The Great I Am: Overcoming Fear and Doubt
Dawn Grunau • Tomorrow
The God Who Remembers
Michael Streilein • Last Sunday
God of gods
Austin Christianson • 9/8/2024
Divine Timing: Trusting the Story
Michael Streilein • 9/1/2024
Oh Faithful Servant
Austin Christianson • 7/28/2024
Unwavering Faithfulness
Lisa Hrycan • 7/21/2024
Christian Confidence - Part 5 - Peace
Rick McCorkindale • 12/6/2020
Christian Confidence - Part 4 - Hope
Rick McCorkindale • 11/29/2020
Simeon - Listening
Rick McCorkindale • 12/29/2019
Waiting... still waiting
Rick McCorkindale • 12/1/2019
First Sunday of Advent: The Hurting
Rick McCorkindale • 12/2/2018
Disciples' Prayer #9 "For Yours Is The Kingdom..."
Rick McCorkindale • 3/12/2019
Disciples' Prayer #8 "Lead Us Not Into Temptation..."
Rick McCorkindale • 3/3/2019
The Disciples' Prayer # 7 - "Thy Kingdom Come"
Lisa Hrycan • 2/24/2019
The Disciples' Prayer #6 "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors"
Rick McCorkindale • 2/17/2019
The Disciples' Prayer #5 "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."
Rick McCorkindale • 2/10/2019
The Disciples' Prayer # 3 "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done"
Rick McCorkindale • 1/27/2019
The Disciples' Prayer #2 "In Heaven, Hallowed be Your name..."
Rick McCorkindale • 1/20/2019
Forgetting What Is Behind and Pressing on Toward What Is Ahead
Len Bachiu • 12/30/2018