Join us for coffee and great discussion!
We gather at Cornerstone in the Mayfair Room almost every week. We are able to discuss great topics and enjoy coffee together. It is very informal and everyone is encouraged to talk and share. You are welcome to bring your own mug, but there will also be cups there. The topics are listed below, but if you want to be on the email list please email the office and we will email it out weekly. If you have a specific topic you would like to discuss, please feel free to send that as well. We hope you are able to join us.
February 19th- Can you be fed by any sermon? Can you always take something? How much encouragement or critique should we give for the sermon?"
February 26th- If you could add any ministry to your church right now, what would it be?
March 5th- What do you think are the biggest misconceptions about Christianity that people have? Why?
March 12th-Have you seen Church Discipline work effectively? Have you seen it work out poorly?
March 19th- Do we forget the magnitude of the 'Good News?'" Do we rope it in with other good news? Good news, I bought a car. Good news, I'm getting married. Good news, the God of the universe came to earth as a human in order to be crucified and save everyone from their sin so that they can be in eternal relationship with Him.
Long story short, my question is "Do we undersell the Good News of the Gospel? How can we not do that?
March 26th- What is your biggest excitement and hope for the generations beneath you?
April 2nd- Do you find it a struggle to not make Sunday morning a time of just entertainment for yourself and rather have it be corporate worship?
April 9th- I want to share a story from a podcast, perhaps you have heard it before.
There was a man who was a shoemaker who had two sons. They also became shoemakers and so the father sent them to two separate countries to make shoes and start a business. A little while later the first son calls home and says "Dad, nobody wears shoes in this country, I'm coming home."
The second son calls home just after and says "Dad, nobody wears shoes in this country, send help!"
When we look at sharing the Gospel we can have one of these responses. My question to you this week is twofold. "Which response do you think your church has? What is the most significant outward looking thing that your church does?"
Have any questions? Please feel free to reach out to us by filling out the form linked below: